Owner of Fox Strategies
You need your copy to drive action. But how can you capture attention and create clarity in a precious few seconds with a handful of words? This session will explore the concepts of narrative transportation in copywriting. You’ll discuss the simple-yet-powerful elements of story that capture attention and how to pair them with you-focused language. This winning combination holds folks’ attention by making them think about their favorite person in the world — themselves.
Chris Fox is a copywriter and marketing strategist focused on crafting clear marketing messages. With more than 20 years of experience helping nonprofits and businesses communicate effectively, he knows how to capture attention and move audiences to action. As a Certified StoryBrand Guide, Chris leverages proven narrative frameworks to cut through the noise to make marketing copy clear, compelling, and effective.
Outside of work, Chris enjoys exploring the world for the perfect slice of chocolate cake as well as volunteering with the American Marketing Association Oklahoma City chapter and for his kids’ school booster clubs.