March 27-28, 2025

Kyle Muzny

President, Muze Growth Strategies

“The Value of Viral”




11:03 am



About the Talk
Do you put an emphasis on viral social content with your digital marketing? What’s it worth if content hits that magic sauce? What’s it worth if it’s only mediocre? Let’s explore the ebbs and flows of social engagement and how to accurately track the value of “going viral”.
About the Speaker

Kyle is on a mission to give businesses the opportunity for realistic and trackable revenue growth. He’s a science, math and data fiend. and prefers casual partnership meetings. He loves four-way stretch clothing and fly fishing. His inspiration? Family. Talents? Jack of all trades, master of a few. Pilotage of crafts that involve air for movement and speed measurements in knots, and air above 14,000 feet or 0 feet above sea level.

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